Friday, 12 April 2013

Back in the loop

Friday 12th April 2013

The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy and tiring. I have been notified of updates in SIGs etc and have been trying to keep up.. This weekend isn't too hectic so I will make my best efforts to catch up and crack on with part 6.

Just a few quick thoughts...
I am constantly brainstorming the way we all think about our every day lives, as well as just dancers. It is so easy to get caught up in everything and not taking the time to stop and allow our thoughts and emotions process. I have seen this in myself the past few weeks. Things haven't been the best they can be recently and I have been so keen to keep busy and distracted, I am almost not letting myself think about it all properly. I know I need to slow down and allow everything to go through the motions so that I can put them to one side and move on in a positive direction. There is always someone worse off than ourselves and we must make the most of what we have. I get frustrated with myself that I do not 'let things go' and they seem to continue to circle on and on in my mind. 
My focus next week is to have a more positive approach, take each day as it comes but once I reach the end of each day I should like to think of all of the good, interesting things that have happened or that I have learnt as opposed to the negatives. For dancers, this would be a good way to control their emotional state as they would then not have too much weight on their shoulders. Every correction, praise, new piece learnt etc can be taken into consideration and focused on, rather than all becoming one big blur.

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